Climate Change is Global, the Impact is Local

James Comer

James Comer (R-KY, 1st District) is a US House Representative who currently represents Kentucky’s 1st congressional district. Comer is a farm owner and was formerly State Agriculture Commissioner from 2012 to 2016. He is currently a ranking member of the United States House Committee on Oversight and Reform.  

On Climate Change:

In a debate during an unsuccessful campaign for Governor of Kentucky, he said, “I do not believe in global warming. I’m the one person whose business and livelihood depends on Mother Nature, so I understand weather patterns. We’ve had a very severe winter this year with 12-inch snows, so there is no global warming.”

On his website he comments in regards to the Green New Deal, “Rolling out a silver tray of radical environmental and social reforms distracts from the laundry list of pressing issues at hand that we have yet to address.”

He also has a lifetime LCV voting score of 4% which includes voting against blocking the Trump administration from shortcutting Mercury emissions standards for power plants. 

James Comer and Friends

Over his career, James Comer has received $212,890 in funding from the crop production industry and $32,600 from the oil and gas industry. His environmental voting record is shared by fellow Kentucky Representatives Brett Guthrie, Harold Rogers, and Garland Barr, who all have LCV environmental voting scores under 10%. 

Last updated byClimate of Denial