Climate Change is Global, the Impact is Local

Jim Manzi

Jim Manzi is a Senior Fellow and “climate expert” at the Manhattan Institute. He is also the founder and chairman of Applied Predictive Technologies (APT). He has published articles with National Review, the New York Post, The Weekly Standard, Slate, The New Atlantis, Cato Unbound, and Culture11. Prior to creating APT, he was the vice president of Mercer Management Consulting. 

On the Manhattan Institute’s website, he has published articles such as “Conservatives And Climate Change,” “A Gas Tax: Numbers vs. Words,” Neither Taxing Nor Rationing CO2 Survives Cost Vs. Benefit Analysis Jim Manzi,” and “And Global Warming Too!.”

He has written that “the argument that ‘Yes, but future damages might be even worse than current forecasts’ is a real stretch…” when discussing climate predictions. While Manzi does accept climate science, he does not believe that suggested solutions are or will be effective.

See Also:

Manhattan Institute

Reihan Salam

Mark P. Mills

Jonathan Lesser

John Tierney

Brandon Fuller

Michele Jacob

Last updated byClimate of Denial