Climate Change is Global, the Impact is Local

Patrick J. Michaels

Patrick Michaels was formerly the Director for the Center for the Study of Science at Cato Institute. He is currently a senior fellow in the Center for Energy and Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Michaels is a past president of the American Association of Climatologists. He is very outspoken about climate change, having appeared several times on conservative news channels such as Fox News, as well as being an author of many opinion pieces in US newspapers. He has also written several books, such as Climate of Extremes: Global Warming Science They Don’t Want You to Know.

He was the founder of New Hope Environmental Services, an organization that had received funding from the Cato Institute, as well as the Intermountain Rural Electric Association and the Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, both electric utilities. NHES appears to be no longer in operation.

Position on Climate Change:

“Is it moral for scientists and policymakers to use computer models for climate change that are clearly predicting far too much warming? What kind of climate would God want for us — the one we have today, the cooler one at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the much warmer one that accompanied the rise of agriculture and civilization, or thousands of feet of ice over what is now Chicago? Homo sapiens has lived through all of these.” (Source)

Michaels and Friends: 

Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank. 

Competitive Enterprise Institute, a nonprofit that questions climate change, and whose donors include ExxonMobil, an oil giant. 

Fox News, a conservative media outlet. 

New Hope Environmental Services, an organization founded by Michaels, that has received funding from electrical utilities in the past. 

President Donald Trump. Michaels’ stance on Trump: “[Trump’s] nomination of Scott Pruitt is further evidence that the president-elect is serious, and circumstantial evidence that the influence of Al Gore’s recent visit was of little consequence.”

See also: Christopher C. Horner, Myron Ebell

Suggested tags: New Hope Environmental Services, Fox News, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Cato Institute, NHES, electric utilities, climate change denier, Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Intermountain Rural Electric Association, American Association of Climatologists

Last updated byClimate of Denial