Climate Change is Global, the Impact is Local

Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow

The Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) was founded in 1985 by David Rothbard and Craig Rucker. CFACT was created to “alternative voice on issues of environment and development.” Its stated mission is to “enhance the fruitfulness of the earth and all of its inhabitants.” 

On Climate Change and Energy Advocacy

However, over the years, CFACT has taken direct action to undermine the established science of climate change, while opposing effective environmental policy action.

In 2009, CFACT tried to host the Copenhagen Climate Challenge. This event was supposed to directly compete with the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 (COP15), where different states agreed to a non-legally binding document that promised to limit global temperatures from rising more that 3.6F (2C) above pre-industrial levels. COP15 was attended by 10,500 delegates, 13,500 observers, and 3,000 media representatives.

In contrast, the Copenhagen Climate Challenge hosted by CFACT had “about 50 people” in attendance, almost entirely “male and middle-aged.” The objective of this climate conference was to demonstrate CFACT’s thinking that “there is no consensus on climate change and there should not be a treaty from Copenhagen based on a lack of consensus.” CFACT was also determined to make their presence known at the COP17 climate talks in 2011. CFACT had a skydiving team parachute onto a beach near Durban, South Africa, where the COP17 was taking place. They parachuted in with two signs: “Climategate 2.0 Science Not Settled” and “No New Treaty CFACT.” After landing, they held a virtual conference with Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK). 

In 2016, CFACT partnered with its affiliated organization,, to produce an “anti-global warming” documentary called “Climate Hustle.” It premiered on May 2, with opening remarks by Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas) and a panel discussion with Sarah Palin, moderated by Brent Bozell. This was an invitation-only panel in Washington, D.C. At the event, Palin was “very passionate about this issue…We’ve been told by fear mongers that global warming is due to man’s activities and this presents strong arguments against that in a very relatable way.”

Marc Morana, director of, said that, “this film is truly unique among climate documentaries. ‘Climate Hustle’ presents viewers with facts and compelling footage going back four decades, and delivers a powerful presentation of dissenting science, best of all, in a humorous way. This film may change the way you think about ‘global science’.” 

The trailer for “Climate Hustle 2” claims that the “sensational claims” that “normal human activity” will cause a “hellish apocalypse” “spread a false narrative,” and that those who spread this narrative are trying to “hustle” you. 

CFACT has also sponsored and hosted the Heartland Institute’s (a group known to deny the science behind global climate change) International Conference on Climate Change 2012,  2014, and 2015.

In 2018, CFACT put up a billboard on I-10 in Louisiana, which stated “Russia funneled Green groups millions of dollars to oppose fracking & cripple American energy. How’s that for COLLUSION?” The billboard also featured a picture of Vladimir Putin’s face. 

In 2019, CFACT attended Greta Thunberg’s “Fridays for Future” press conference at COP25 in Madrid. CFACT wrote an article on the conference titled, “Greta’s ‘person of the year,’ but her climate kids are emotional and vacuous at COP25.” They also handed out pamphlets at the conference, condemning the “teen school-skipping climate activists [that] are testifying to the U.S. Congress.” In the pamphlet, they also claimed that the “97% consensus is propaganda.” 

CFACT publishes articles on its website related to climate change and climate science. Some of the articles recently published include “Those millions of ‘green’ new jobs are going to China and India” by Ronald Stein, “Corporate leaders cozy up to costly Biden climate agenda” by Craig Rucker, “ Texas power freeze-down demonstrates political climate craziness” by Larry Bell, and “Suspect science threatens US farming- again” by Paul Driessen. Many recent articles focus on the “deep freeze” in Texas. CFACT blames the power outage on green energy failure, saying that “Texans shiver in the dark as Green energy fails.”

CFACT is vocal on Twitter, as well, with 13.6K followers. CFACT’s Twitter bio says that it “defends the environment & human welfare through facts, new, and analysis, promoting free-market solutions to the world’s environmental problems.” In a recent tweet, CFACT said that “The UN/IPCC, NASA/NOAA, and their academic sharecroppers have terrorized the public about how human-caused CO2 increase leads to catastrophic warming.” 

CFACT also partners with several contributors to produce podcasts, including District of Conservation and Energy-Cast. Recent podcasts released include “Frozen wind turbines, wolf quota hunt, gun control — oh my!” and “Rep. Yvette Herrell plans to fight President Biden’s ‘crippling’ energy policies,” both by Gabriella Hoffman of District of Conservation. 

CFACT helps to sponsor Collegians For a Constructive Tomorrow, a student group with a focus on free market competition to solve environmental issues, and that gives students an opportunity to “acquire knowledge, gain experience and get involved in making a difference on important environmental policies both on and off campus.” 


According to its website, CFACT, is a 501(c)(3) organization and is largely funded by private US citizens. CFACT also states that it has never sought or received money from federal, state, or local governments. CFACT is also a member of the Cooler Heads Coalition, a subgroup of National Consumer Relations. Based on publicly available tax records, CFACT received $3,693,710 from DonorsTrust in 2012 alone. Other large contributors are the Carthage Foundation, Sarah Scaife Foundation, Exxon Mobil, Dunn’s Foundation for the Advancement of Right Thinking, Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation, and Charles Koch Institute. The grants from the Charles Koch Foundation and the Charles Koch Institute in 2014, 2015, and 2016 were all for educational programs. 

See Also

David Rothbard

Craig Rucker

Marc Morano

Paul Driessen

Adam Houser

Joseph Bast

Roy W. Spencer

Heartland Institute

Last updated byClimate of Denial